Cycles Past-BFN

Clomid for 3 months, no AF no o, nothing. DH had about 30 million on his SA. The doctor said it was good, but my new doctor said its only good on one of the standard charts. DH retested at 40 million in Dec 2006. Doctor suggested bding every other day for best results.

Clomid 200 mg Sept, Oct, Nov, 2006 -AF after 1st & 2nd cycles no BFP.

March 7th, 2007 (really Jan cycle b/c we missed pregnancy)
Femara 5mg for 5 days+ Gonal F.
3/2/07 u/s small follicles
days 4-8 femara
day 8 Femara in am, .5 cc Gonal F pm
3/9/07 u/s E2:38.8 1.0cc Gonal F
3/12/07 u/s E2: 58.1 1.0 cc Gonal F
03/14/07 u/s E2:59.1 Gonal F 1.5cc
follicle on right 8.48 mm
3/16/07 E2 99.3 Gonal F 2 cc
1 follicle on right 9.5mm
u/s 3/18 3-4 follicles 10.5 mm, 1 follicle was 13.5x9.5 e2:269
u/s 3/20 15.5,14.?,13.?, 11,11 e2:816
u/s 3/22
E2 1500
Left 19.38, 17.50,14.51
Right 23.65, 21.52, 16.29, 16.64
03-24-07 IUI - 40 million post wash
lots of O cramping
I had such a bad reaction after trigger, it was terrible. I later had surgery and my right tube was removed.

April 17, 2007 still have small cysts from injections in March, taking a cycle off.

June 19, 2007 Ovulated on Left
5mg days 3-5 Femara
day 3 u/s tons of small follicles, no cysts.
07/02/07 u/s shows a 19mm follicle
I triggered and it looks like I ovulated on the 4th of July.
This is the 1st time ff gave me a solid red line!
07-10-07 - progesterone 12.7 Confirmed ovulation.
Beta at 6dpo negative

July 25, 2007 Ovulated on Right- no tube- used Femara 5mg

January 30 -Annovulatory
1st cycle post delivery. I used soy to aid ovulation and took one provera to get AF after 31 days.

May 11, 2008 - ovulated on left, I think
Tamoxifen 60mg cd 3-7
I had many days of OPK+

June 10, 2008 - Ovulated on Right
cd 3-7 clomid 100mg
cd11 061908 1.0 cm left ovary, 0.9cm right,
CD16, still nothing happening
CD28 started provera, oops Im ovulating again!!!! LH seems to start with provera.
CD30 LH blood test 27, 14.88mm follicle on right side (no tube).
CD 37, 5dpo P4 7.38

July 25th, 2008 -Annovulatory
Took Tamoxifen, new PCOS suppliments not helping my cycle. I took provera and came close to ovulating. I also was taking PC. My OV watch said I would ovulate cd 20, but cd 18 u/s shows no big follicles.

Oct 16th, 2008 ovulated on left x2-3 follicles
cd 4-9 5mg Femara
cd 5&7 75miU Bravelle (fsh injection) injected on the left b/c that is the side with a tube.
cd 11 L 14mm, 13mm & 13mm ,R nothing
Oct 30, cd 14 OPK- very faint line in am
L 16.75, 15.75, 14.5
Oct 31st cd 15 OPK+ in am
L18.52mm, 16.76mm, 14.98
Lining 16.80mm, doc called 10am, LH 86, trigger now 250microgrammes (6.5000UI) .5ML Ovitrelle
11PM felt my ovary tighten like ovulation. 11:45pm felt ovulation again. I think 2 eggs poped. I also felt bad colon pain between 7pm and 3am.

November 16, 2008 -Ovulated on Right 20.5mm
11/18/08 u/s lining 11mm (a little too thick)
metformin 1500 mg daily (except when s/e's)
cd1-ovulation-primrose oil
cd 3-7 femara
cd 4&6 bravelle 75mIU injection on left side only
cd 8-ovulation - rhobotussin
u/s 11/26/08 cd 11 - not much going on, right 1.0cm- no tube
cd11-15 .5cc bravelle with 1cc on cd 11
cd 16 u/s 12/01/08 20.5 mm on right, cancled cycle will TTC with IC, preseed, primrose oil, and robotusin at home.

December 17, 2008 one on both sides, they shrunk then I O'd on cd 25, early u/s showed 1cm on right. Maybe Ovulated on Right
cd 13 12/29/08 L11.27, R10.66
cd 17,01.02.09, notta, annovulatory, infertility SUCKS
cd 25 unmonitored late ovulation

January 24, 2009 -Ovulated on Right
cd4-8 tamoxifen +75mIU bravelle each day cd4-8
cd 3 01-26 fsh 5.73, e2 35
cd 4-8 60mg Tamoxifen & 75mIU Bravelle
02-02-09 u/s - 11mm on right (no tube side)
02-05-09 u/s - 16mm on right

February 25th, 2009 Maybe Ovulated on Left
cd3-7 Tamoxifen 60mg
cd22 started DCI,
cd23 opk positive, 1 day only YaY!
cd24 felt painfull swelling on left ovary, gone cd 25.

April 4, 2009  Maybe Ovulated on Right
now taking vitamins & DCI going forward

cd 2-6, 160mg soy & turmerik 1800mg

cd18 Ovulation

cd 12
cd 13





dry test series as of 042009


cd18 opk+

crosshairs gone cd 22, returned cd 23, opk real light cd 23


May 6, 2009  - Annovulatory
cd1-3 140mg soy with a soy protein drink on cd 2&3
cd4-5 160mg soy


cd11 (#18 is my opk+ from last cycle)
dry & unedited

dry & edited

cd17 edited -


cd20 Did I O, or is it coming still?


cd21 unedited


cd29 same test, two photo views
I took 1st provera pill at 5pm on cd27 060209


3pm opk+++ (the one on the bottom is after it dried) no edit needed:


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