Full Ferning & Pregnancy

"the fertility tracker has also been used for some women to detect pregnancy due to the subtle rise in estrogen after fertilization. Many women have noticed full ferning as early as 7 days after ovulation which may coincide with implantation. This is not a foolproof sign because estrogen dominance can confuse the body. When estrogen is higher by ratio to progesterone in the luteal phase this can upset the delicate hormonal balance.

Using the fertility tracker at this time each month along with temperatures, may show a woman if she is in fact estrogen dominant OR pregnant. The best way to describe the difference is to refer to the fertile times and watch for the crisp plush ferns signifying conception has quite possibly taken place. If temps remain high for 18 days pregnancy is confirmed.

The ferns should disappear after implantation is complete." "the fertility tracker has also been used for some women to detect pregnancy due to the subtle rise in estrogen after fertilization. Many women have noticed full ferning as early as 7 days after ovulation which may coincide with implantation.

This is not a foolproof sign because estrogen dominance can confuse the body. When estrogen is higher by ratio to progesterone in the luteal phase this can upset the delicate hormonal balance. Using the fertility tracker at this time each month along with temperatures, may show a woman if she is in fact estrogen dominant OR pregnant.

The best way to describe the difference is to refer to the fertile times and watch for the crisp plush ferns signifying conception has quite possibly taken place. If temps remain high for 18 days pregnancy is confirmed. The ferns should disappear after implantation is complete."


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