Medications used in TTC:

Glucophage (Metformin): 2000mg (take with B12, Folate and Calcium) Take with a meal unless otherwise directed by a doctor.

Avandia: (Rosiglitazone): 4-8mg taken cd1 through ovulation. Taken with Clomid, which is started on cd 5-9, no earlier.

Clomid (clomiphene citrate): 50-200mg (cd 3-7, 4-8 or 5-9) Take with water.

Femara (Letrozole): Take with 8oz water, with or without food.

Tamoxifen: Take with water.

Provera: Used to bring on AF, its taken for 5-10 days, then AF will show approximately 5 days later, or up to a week. In some instances, a doctor will prescribe this for 14 days a month. The patient waits till cd 14 and begins provera. Warning; 10% or so women ovulate on provera within the 1st 3 days of taking it. Take an OPK and if positive discontinue taking provera.

Prometrium: Used on 3dpo until pregnancy confirmed by bloodwork on 14dpo, then taken until 12 weeks when the placenta takes over producing progesterone, or stopped when pregnancy not achieved. Prometrium is also used to bring on AF and is a more natural version of progesterone because its plant based and mimics the bodies progesterone.


HCG Trigger:

Zoladex (Goserelin):

PCOS Medications not safe in TTC:

Precose: (Acarbose):

Miglitol: (Glyset):

Oral Birth Control Pills: Big no no for PCOS, it masks symptoms and improves PCOS temporarily, but once you go off it, the underlying problem is still there and has worsened.

Actos: (Pioglitazone):

Suppliments used as meds:

Chromium Polynicotinate (chelated form): 500-1000mg daily. 1000mg can be considered toxic over a period of time. There is strong evidence of improved insulin sensitivity. Use in place of metformin or Avandia. Chromium Picolinate can cause chromosomal damage, and does not work as well.

D-Chiro-Inositol (DCI): This will lower your insulin levels and testosterone levels back to normal and allow your body to ovulate. It works like metformin, and there is no need to take metformin with it.

Soy Isoflavones 40mg-200mg: Use on either cd1-5, 2-6, 3-7, 4-8 or 5-9. You can ramp up or use the same amount daily. I would start with a lower dose and work your way up. Soy works like Clomid, Femara & Tamoxifen and should not be taken with any other ovulation induction meds.

Progesterone Cream (PC): There are several versions of this that is safe in pregnancy and can be resumed up to a month after delivery. Be sure the lable says safe in pregnancy, like Happy PMS cream for example. This can be used in the same way as Provera or Prometrium. Prometrium has the same chemical make up as PC, however they add additional unhealthy ingredients to Prometrium to make it marketable.


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