D-Chiro-Inositol (DCI) 1200mg a day for those weighing 150+lbs and 600mg a day for those weighing 150lbs or less. If you weight 150, alternate between 1200mg and 600mg a day.

D-Chiro-Inositol (DCI) is shown in several studies to improve insulin sensitivity, lower testosterone and help reverse PCOS.

Insmed tested more than 1000 subjects, yet they didnt persue FDA approval. Perhaps metformin works faster making DCI not more effective than Metformin. Or maybe its because you have to take a lot more DCI than metformin. In some studies that showed effectiveness, benefits began to appear after months, not weeks, as is the case with Metformin.

D-Chiro-Inositol is something that your body makes. Some foods contain it. In a normal person the body might convert myo-inositol (the common form of inositol) to DCI. There is one study and one patent that suggests myo-inositol can help with insulin sensitivity too. But, it is also known that those with diabetes and PCOS are often inefficient at converting myo-inositol or D-Pinitol to D-Chiro-Inositol. Pinitol (methyl-D-chiro-inositol), the methyl form of DCI, appears to be converted 33% to DCI. That says that 3600mg of Pinitol should be equivalent to 1200mg DCI. This is far more expensive and as I preveiously stated, the PCOS persons body may not convert this properly.

 "A study from the Medical College of Virginia found that 1200 mg. of d-chiro-inositol daily had multiple beneficial effects in the treatment of 22 overweight PCOS women.(2) Not only did it improve the action of insulin, but 86% of the women ovulated during treatment with d-chiro-inositol compared to only 27% in the placebo group. Serum androgen (male hormone) and ovarian androgen production also decreased in the treatment group." http://www.ovarian-cysts-pcos.com/inositol.html 


"Conclusions d-Chiro-inositol increases the action of insulin in patients with the polycystic ovary syndrome, thereby improving ovulatory function and decreasing serum androgen concentrations, blood pressure, and plasma triglyceride concentrations... Nineteen of the 22 women in the d-chiro-inositol group (86 percent) ovulated during treatment with d-chiro-inositol, as compared with only 6 of the 22 women (27 percent) in the placebo group "


* I found these mg's online and cannot confirm the amount of DCI. Someone had posted these number and I did the DCI conversions in pink.

These foods have DCI, but to convert this to 1/2 cup, it takes 80% of the milligrams listed.

Alfalfa - 240mg or 1/2 cup = 192mg DCI
Barley - 390mg or 1/2 cup = 232mg DCI
Beef - 260mg or 1/2 cup = 208mg DCI
Brown Rice - 700mg or 1/2 cup = 560mg DCI
Cauliflower - 92mg or 1/2 cup = 76.6mg DCI
Chickpeas - 760mg or 1/2 cup = 608mg DCI
Grapefruit - 150mg or 1/2 cup = 120mg DCI
Lentils - 410mg or 1/2 cup = 328mg DCI
Molasses - 180mg or 1/2 cup = 144mg DCI
Oats - 320mg or 1/2 cup = 256mg DCI
Oranges - 210 mg or 1/2 cup = 168mg DCI
Peanuts - 210mg or 1/2 cup = 168mg DCI 
Peas - 160mg or 1/2 cup = 128mg DCI 
Soy Lethicin 2,100 mg or 1/2 cup = 1680 mg DCI 
Strawberries - 95mg or 1/2 cup = 76mg DCI
Torula Yeast 270 mg or 1/2 cup = 216mg DCI
Veal/Liver 340 mg or 1/2 cup = 272mg DCI
Wheat Germ 690 mg or 1/2 cup = 552mg DCI
Whole Wheat 170 mg or 1/2 cup = 134.4mg DCI
Buckwheat Farinetta 1371 mg or 1/2 cup = 1096.8mg DCI

Buckwheat Farinetta is used in receipes instead of flour. There is only on place to order the specialized high count DCI product.

Per Minn-Dak, eating Buckwheat Ferinetta or DCI foods in pregnancy is perfectly safe and will actually have healthy benefits for the baby.


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